Yoni eggs are usually referred to as jade eggs. This would be because the first eggs were said to be made from the jade crystal. Currently, however, the eggs are made with a variety of rocks which give them different appearances. As far as the physical benefits are concerned, they all work the same. The […]
What’s Really Hatching? Why All The Fuss About Yoni Eggs? The yoni egg has been surfing the wave since its online explosion when celebrities started mentioning and recommending it. It has become a trendy accessory with women, especially those who are very keen about their sexual health and wellbeing. Many sellers have seen their sales […]
The yoni egg exercises help to obtain better and longer-lasting results. Even though it is supposed to work well even without additional exercises, adding some workout to target your pelvic muscles is said to yield better results. It is therefore ideal if you are looking to see results sooner and enjoy benefits longer. This article […]
Why Are Some Yoni Eggs Drilled? Yoni or jade eggs come either drilled or undrilled. If you order an undrilled egg, you should be able to expel it quickly without pushing it in further or hurting yourself. It is therefore advisable that you do plenty of research on how to use one such egg before […]
Women all over the world are becoming increasingly conscious about their bodies, particularly their sexual health. Much has been said about keeping your body feminine, healthy, and beautiful, but very little has gone to actuality. That being the case, the market is flooded with thousands of feminine hygiene products that promise to transform your sexual […]
For people looking for the perfect gear for your workout session, here are 5 of the top activewear brands in Australia. Just a quick note though, when shopping YAW, you will find very competitive products compared to the below; however, (besides us!) here are our top picks – we share the love where it’s due! Onzie If you’re […]
What to wear to different yoga classes Every type of yoga you might opt for requires the appropriate yoga wear. The following are suggestions on what to wear for different types of yoga sessions. Hot yoga With heat cranked up to 35 degrees, get ready to sweat during hot yoga sessions. For hot yoga sessions, […]
It’s no secret that Kayla Itsines is in incredible shape and has built her Instagram celebrity status from her training programs and hard work. With over 7 million followers on Instagram, she has to be doing something right! Now we all love Kayla Itsines for her impeccable workouts and making it look so effortless but […]
Lооking fоr hеаlthу brеаkfаѕt rесiреѕ thаt уоu can be mаde quiсklу and еаѕilу? While there is debate over breakfast being the mоѕt imроrtаnt mеаl оf the dау, many people are taking unhealthy options in an effort to lose weight or eat “healthily”. If уоu skip breakfast оn a rеgulаr bаѕiѕ, you might experience slight hеаdасhеs аnd wеаknеѕѕ. Eating the […]
Does misplacing or having your phone a little away from you trigger a sense of panic? Well, it happens with most of us. Our phones have become our partner in crime and not having it around can lead some of us into a full blown panic attack. And let’s face it, this is definitely not […]
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